Monday - Friday | 8:30AM - 5:00PM

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Dental Emergency/Same Day Dental Care

Having a troublesome tooth can impact confidence in your smile. At our office, we restore that confidence, along with a visually beautiful smile!

What is a Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is the process of removing a permanent tooth from its bone socket. Our goal is to make each extraction as safe and painless as possible. Your dental health and comfort are our first concern.

Do I Need a Tooth Extraction?

You may need a tooth extraction if you are currently experiencing:

  • Tooth Decay
  • Crowded Teeth
  • Impacted Wisdom Teeth
  • Risk of Infection

How Do Extractions Work?

During your initial evaluation, we will take an x-ray of your mouth and teeth. On the day of your appointment, the extracted area will be numbed with local anesthesia.

There are two types of extractions:

  • Simple Extraction
    A simple extraction involves removing a visible tooth. A forceps tool is used to grip the tooth and extracted with accuracy.
  • Surgical Extraction
    A surgical extraction removes a tooth that is hidden beneath the gum tissue. Your dental specialist will make a tiny incision into your gums. Then, the surrounding tooth bone will be removed for extraction.

What Happens After an Extraction?

Please take any prescribed medication and antibiotics after the procedure. You should apply an ice pack to your face for 20-minute increments. We recommend eating soft foods in the days after your tooth extraction.

Are You Looking for Extractions in Lake Worth?

At Miguel Ferrer DDS PA, we craft beautiful smiles that you will love again. Extractions are great for your oral health because it restores alignment and functionality to your mouth. Visit us today to get started!

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