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Don’t Use This to Clean Your Dentures! 

January 13, 2025

Taking care of dentures properly is essential for keeping them clean, comfortable, and long-lasting. But not all cleaning methods are safe! In fact, some common household products and techniques can do more harm than good to your dentures in Lake Worth. 


What Should You Avoid Using to Clean Your Dentures? 

Bleach or Harsh Chemicals 

While bleach is a strong cleaner, it’s far too harsh for dentures. It can weaken the material and cause discoloration, leaving your dentures looking dull and worn. 

Hot Water 

Hot water may seem like a quick way to sanitize, but it can warp the shape of your dentures, affecting how they fit and function. 


Regular toothpaste might seem like an obvious choice, but it’s too abrasive for dentures. Over time, it can create tiny scratches that trap bacteria and compromise the surface. 

Rough Brushes 

A hard-bristled brush can damage the surface of your dentures. Always opt for a soft denture brush to keep them clean without causing unnecessary wear. 

How Should You Clean Your Dentures? 

The safest way to clean dentures is with products designed specifically for them. Use a denture cleanser and a soft-bristled brush to gently remove plaque and debris. Soaking your dentures overnight in a recommended solution also helps keep them fresh and free of bacteria. 


Need Help with Your Dentures in Lake Worth? 

Proper denture care starts with the right advice. If you have questions about cleaning your dentures or maintaining a healthy smile, Miguel Ferrer DDS can help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation! 

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