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What Constitutes a Beautiful Smile? 

July 30, 2021

There’s something about a beautiful smile that people find extremely attractive. For this reason, more and more people decide to see an experienced cosmetic dentist in Lake Worth to help them achieve the kind of smile they can be proud of. Although most folks can assess whether or not a person has a great smile in just a split second, research shows that certain factors come into play in their smile rating system. 

Cosmetic Dentist Lake Worth 

4 Things that Constitute a Beautiful Smile

Tooth Length

While most men have more uniform incisor length, most women have shorter and smaller lateral incisors. Although it’s definitely possible to wear a beautiful smile that bucks these trends, cosmetic dentistry offers several options for lengthening your teeth and giving you a more proportioned appearance.  

Tooth Color

According to research, most people consider white teeth as a sign of good health. Pictures were taken of people’s teeth before the images were Photoshopped to change the shades of teeth from yellow to bright white.   

The majority of the respondents concluded that the images of whiter teeth were healthier and more attractive than those with yellow teeth. Thankfully, you can easily achieve whiter teeth with professional teeth whitening procedures.  

Gum Exposure

Gingival display or the level of gum exposure can seriously affect the appearance of a smile. What’s considered ideal is about one to two centimeters of exposed gum tissues. Gum exposure that goes way beyond this standard constitutes an unattractive “gummy” smile.   

Thanks to the advancements of modern cosmetic dentistry, cutting-edge dental procedures can easily change the shape of your teeth while reducing your gingival display. 

Straight Teeth

The straightness of a person’s teeth is one of the most important factors that make up a socially perceived beautiful smile. For this reason, countless teenagers and adults seek orthodontic treatment.  

Cosmetic Dentist Lake Worth 

Looking for a Cosmetic Dentist in Lake Worth?

Since Dr. Miguel Ferrer DDS PA brings over two decades of experience to the dental chair, you can be sure that you’ll leave his office with a beautiful smile on your face. Contact us today to schedule your consultation. 

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